Partner Dance Schools

Come and join our program of partner schools

Give your students a treat while helping to support and develop your school.

Whether you have a large academy or a small local dance school, join our network of partner schools today and benefit from a unique code offering personalized discounts to your students and generating commissions for your school.

✓ Discounts for them ✓ Commissions for you

Offer discounts, earn commissions

Your students deserve the best for their feet. We're here to help you give it to them!

As a partner, you will receive a customized discount code to share with them. Your students can use it when shopping on our site to benefit from a personalized discount..

For each sale made with your code, you'll receive a commission or a gift card for the same amount. We keep you informed of your balance every two months..

Come and join us! 🚀

They talk about it better than we do

A beautiful story with our partners

"It is about having great quality shoes that fit the energy from our school and parties ❤️"

Clément - Allemagne

"Swivells fans, we're happy to please our students and work with a small brand that does great work"

Laure - France